Mountain Getaway

After a solid week of triple digit temps we packed our bags and headed for the hills. Though we did not find the traditional kind of solitude one often seeks in the mountains (we woke each morning to Luke's voice bouncing off the quiet, cool mountains, and no doubt waking the neighbors) we did enjoy time together as a family. We found a little something for everyone (James even got to do some trail running with a friend in Boone) and were able to keep a nice balance of enjoying the outdoors and not pushing the boys beyond their breaking points. Here are a some captured moments.

Views from the parkway, always spectacular!

Some friends from Florida graciously allowed us to stay in their vacation home for the week. It was such a nice gift to us. One of the fun perks was the location - just outside of Boone with fabulous views all around, including Grandfather Mountain. The house is located in a community full of Christmas tree farms. We walked by this farm each day as we trekked up the mountain.

We made the short hike to see Linville Falls. Luke found all sorts of things to explore along the way.

"Wow, this just keeps getting better and better!" Luke declared with each new adventure. He thoroughly enjoyed hiking and playing in the cool mountain streams.

Timothy just enjoyed the action. He laughed his way through the whole trip.

Wil is proving to be quite the explorer. If there is anything around worth climbing he will attempt it. This is a new development for him so we are really happy with this new found strength, balance and confidence.


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