Bean turns five

Five years ago today I went in to see my perinatologist for what had become a routine look at Bean. We had been doing this little routine for five weeks; non-stress test, 3D ultrasound to check on  the size of some unusually large organs, a measure of the blood velocity in his brain to monitor anemia. All of these things, we thought, were related to the antibodies I had developed in my bloodstream that were not being very kind to our little Bean.

Nothing about this pregnancy had been typical. Conception occured on our fourth (and would be last) cycle of fertility treatments, at 27 weeks we determined he was sick due to my antibodies, and on this day five years ago the atypical nature of my pregnancy with Bean continued.

When I went in for that routine visit my doctor reviewed everything with an even more somber contenance than he usually wore and rushed me to labor and delivery. I was 32 weeks along.

Within an hour our boy was with us. You can read all about his birth story here, then here, followed by here and here.

Today, he is five!

Today, he is full of life.
Today, he is one of the boys.

Today, he is a student.

Today, he has defined his interests and horseback riding reigns!

Today, he plays with gusto.

Today, his favorite cake is chocolate!

Today, my Bean is five and he is well loved!


blooming and growing

We are happy to be experiencing the first breaths of Spring around here. With longer days and Bradford Pears in bloom we know, without doubt, that we are about to witness the unveiling of Spring in all it's beauty. We will watch tiny buds turn into leaves on all our favorite trees and perennials burst through the thawing ground with a rainbow of color.  We get to add to the rainbow of color with beautiful annuals that will bring us pleasure until Fall's first frost. We get to watch our planted seed peak through the soil to grow tall and proud and fill our home with color and frangrance. I love it all.

I have been getting the house ready for Spring. Bringing flowers in (from the grocer since we have no blooms yet!) to brighten things up.

Giving my favorite little birdie a new slate blue spring dress. Isn't she purty? She came from the dollar store. All sad and chalky white. I sprayed her with my favorite color and added a little dimension to her wings with some mocha craft paint. (The green frame up top, by the way, also from the dollar store. It was a yucky two toned brown before I hit it with some green)
Then I perched her in my grandmother's silver sugar bowl atop some cushy green moss.
But really, this time of year, I take my tinkering from inside to outside (before it gets too hot to tolerate).

These pots are all waiting to be filled with some flowery goodness. Our nurseries are just now stocking up. So while my pots wait, I gave them a little color.

It's a disease I tell ya! If I don't paint at least one thing a day. . . well, my day feels incomplete. Not yet finished. Like something was missing. And if I can't find anything around here to paint? I go to my mom's and paint her stuff. It's true. Just ask her.

The front porch is getting a little love, too. The old shutter I found at a junk place around here, the broom was handmade and was gifted to me by my mom. No, she didn't make the broom but requested it be made from this great little country store a half hour from here. And the pot is from a guy at our now defunct Farmer's Market. Love the patina on it.

Soon, my ferns will be out in their usual spots but for now I am enjoying playing with this space.

Look what I found outside. It's amazing that such tender leaves find their way through the firm winter ground.
This is my Black Eyed Susan. Love the way this stuff spreads.

And lookey lou, lots of Shasta Daisy! I actually thinned this out a ton and spread the glory into several pots so I can take some with me when we move.

Oh, and Cone Flower. Come on out Darling, I'm waiting!

So happy to see some green appearing on my Hydrangea after the winter we had!

And because I  am so totally not patient and can't wait for the color to appear. . . I potted a minirose bush that will make the move with us.

It's exciting and daunting to see this sign in our yard! Exciting to begin the process of moving to the area of town where we are ministering. Exciting to have a clean slate, so to speak, to start fresh with decor. Exciting to settle into a neighborhood we hope to call home for many years to come. Exciting to enter this new season of growth.

Guess who else is growing?

Bean. He's about to turn Five! I can't believe it. We will celebrate by doing a few of his favorite things.
Spending the afternoon at Nonnie and Papa's, riding the horses, and eating cake.

Hope, you too, are enjoying the changes in your life!

random thoughts while trying on clothes today

1. Dressing room light is really unforgiving.

2. A 40 year old should not be trying on babydoll dresses.

3. My knee caps are taking on the appearance of a Shar Pei.

4. All skirts and dresses must cover my knees from this point forward.

5. Wish I hadn't ignored lotion all winter.

6. Cap sleeve shirts are not my friend.

7. My upper arms have taken on the shape of my thighs.

8. I don't think a tan will help this.

9. Can I still call this baby weight?

10. I need to leave this store and go the the gym. Stat.

11. The Old Navy Modelquins freak me out.

quick wreath update

For those of you that haven't received your wreath yet, thanks for your patience. I haven't forgotten. Had another sick kid home from school today and I am having trouble getting my hands on the size wreath forms I need. Apparently I bought up all that were available. As soon as some new shipments come in to my favorite spots I'll finish them up.

So. . . Susan, Danielle, Liza, and Elizabeth. . . I hope to get yours to you very soon!

Thanks again for supporting the Camacho's!

guest room/office, the neglect is over


The guest room/office/dumping room has eluded me for some time now. I just haven't wanted to deal with it. But, now, as our house is facing round two on the market I decided it was time to face the music. It was time to make it a bit more inviting. As usual, with no extra funds, and frankly no real desire to spend money decorating a room we hope to leave, I shopped the house.

Here is what the room looked like last time we listed the house. This time last year.

Not a whole lot going on. Unless boring counts. There are no window treatements, no rug, not a lot on the walls, etc. You will notice the dresser over in the far corner. That got a face lift a couple months ago.

Much improved, no? I decided to get her out of the corner, so she could be showcased. You will also notice the bike tire in the far left corner? My husband doesn't know it yet but his beloved bike has found a new home in the garage.

There are a few other pieces in this room that aren't in the picture. A sage green desk, a red bookshelf, and a black bookshelf. Somehow I needed to pull it all together.

The transformation began with accesorizing the dresser.

The lamp received a coat of slate blue Rustoleum spray paint. So did the frame of the Charleston print leaning against the wall. I grabbed a red frame that was already boxed and put in one of my floral prints. And grabbed a few other items from around the house to add some layering on the dresser. To the left, instead of a bike, is a wooded ladder I purchased before Christmas when I went antiquing with my mom and aunts.

The quilt was flipped to the blue/white pin stripe side.

I didn't have a lot in the way of pillows to place on this bed. But I did have a colorful tea towel and some burlap. So I just wrapped some old pillows and pinned them in the back. I know. Real classy.

Don't tell anyone.

Next up,  the window. I found a table cloth in my stash that had the exact colors to pull all my random pieces together. But I just had the one table cloth. I decided to do a mistreatment.

See the colors? Aren't they perfect?
I had a handful of upholstery tacks from another project so I pinned my table cloth to the right side of the window to soften the window and pull things together a bit.

I threw a shakey old desk chair in front and layered it with a few odds and ends and put the tall bookshelf in the corner.

And on the wall to he left of the window, over the side of the bed, I put up a frame I spray painted red and threw in some more of my vintage floral prints. Put them up with poster putty.

So, there you have it. All rooms are now staged and ready for a buyer.

Hmmm. . . now that I'm looking at these pictures I think my picture thingy next to the window needs to come down some. Go check out these sites for some great ideas while I go take care of that!
Linking up to Make it for Monday @ Cottage Instincts, Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch

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