
Wil enjoying his favorite activity. Being pulled in his wagon by Nonnie. And yes, I attempted to cut his bangs - we will be visiting a professional this weekend. :)
Our home needs a. . .

Ahhh, boys.
Strawberry Fields Forever

Tuesday night is "company night" around here. I think we'll have strawberry shortcake for dessert!

Now I am normally not one to jump on board with these things. Not because I am a party pooper but because I don't feel like I have much of interest to share. But this time I will play because the fun and cool Tina tagged me and well, I wouldn't want to let her down. :) And Tina, by the way, makes and sells very cute and whimsical note cards. You should check them out.
Okay, the meme. Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you. done
2. Post these rules on your blog. done
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself. coming up
4. Tag six random people at the end of your entry. yeah, I don't think I am going to play by this rule. Chain letters always ended with me too. Maybe I am a bit of a party pooper.
Six unimportant things about myself:
1. I like my cheeseburgers plain. Yep, my husband still doesn't get this about me. No lettuce, tomato or onion. And certainly no banana peppers, jalapeno peppers or any other peppers. I do take a smidgeon of mustard, mayo, and ketchup, don't want it dripping though. For me it is all about the meat and I don't want anything interfering with it!
2. I don't like going to the beach. I appreciate the ocean with all it's vastness and beauty. I appreciate the sounds of the waves crashing against the sand and the birds chirping over head. But that's about as far as it goes, appreciation. I don't like sitting on the beach, swimming in the ocean, making sand castles or scouring for shells. The reason? I cannot stand to have sand against my skin and I don't like feeling sticky, both of which are inescapable at the beach. Those things combined with the heat and well, that is the making of a pretty miserable experience for me. I'm a mountain girl all the way.
3. I love listening to my boys giggle with their dad. Sometimes I like to hide out in my bedroom upstairs and listen to James with the boys as they climb all over him, giggling and playing and asking for more. It is such a sweet sound.
4. I'm a wannabe singer. Now, I can't sing worth a hoot and am only as good as the person sitting next to me. So, in other words, if they can't carry a tune then I am out of luck because I can't find the note myself. But I have always had this wild dream of sitting on a small stage playing acoustic guitar (also something I cannot do) and singing for my fans, in a Nanci Griffith sort of way. Talk about a pipe dream!!
5. I have never been to Washington, D.C. I know, what a shame, huh? Maybe I will chaperone a field trip for the boys one day because I don't see traveling in my near future.
6. I don't know what I am doing with my boys most days. I just muddle through and hope I am teaching them something worthwhile and that I am not screwing them up too badly. Good enough mothering, I am all over that!
Thanks for the tag Tina, it was fun!
It's 3 am, do you know where your child is sleeping?

And then fever set in for Timothy along with an all over body rash. Wil kept James busy running baths to soak his sore bottom. And Luke, on Friday night woke every two hours in a panic over his cough and inability to take a deep breath. So at 1 am we started steam showers. Poor guy. "Does this mean I am getting sick?" he cried in his most pitiful voice as he gasped for air forcing himself to hyperventilate. He sat on the toilet as the bathroom filled with steam and his airway opened. And just like that he was back to himself. "Mom, can you bring me a pillow and blanket? I am getting tired of sitting on the toilet but I really like it in here so I think I will just lay down and get comfortable." I convinced him he should go back to bed and set him up in the guest room with a humidifier. An hour and a half later he woke in another panic. By the time I got downstairs he was starting the shower. So I found a place on the sofa while he sat in the bathroom. When I went in to get him I found this. . .
After two days on oral steroids for croup he is feeling good again. Although he just walked through the den and shared the following with me, "Mom, it feels like I have to go stinky but then when I try nothing comes out. It is very confusing."
Never a dull moment around here.
Today I am wondering. . .

Melissa Riggio

Melissa was diagnosed with Leukemia last summer and lost that battle this week. Her family are strong advocates for Down syndrome and it has been a joy to hear Melissa advocate for herself as well as others who carry the extra 21st chromosome. She will be missed by the Down syndrome community.
Everyday Elliot

Connecting. . . and a give-away

Of course no two experiences are the same but we sure did find understanding, hope, medical knowledge of ds and the related issues that rivaled the average pediatrician's knowledge, and most importantly to me pride and privilege. I felt this sense of privilege from early on, there was just something about Wil that stirred it in me, but it was challenged by the grim outlook many medical professionals offered. As I read the blogs of other parents and began to dialogue with them and as I began to experience Wil myself my sense of privilege was cemented.
One of the mom's that I read regularly is Jennifer Graf Groneberg. She is vulnerable, honest, insightful, and loves her boys deeply which oozes from her writing. One of her twin boys, Avery, has Down syndrome and she writes about this in Road Map to Holland: How I Found My Way Through My Son's First Two Years with Down Syndrome which was published this month. My copy arrived yesterday morning and I am already well into it. I have found myself nodding in agreement and understanding as well as filling up with tears as her account throws me back to our own early days of confusion. If only I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have been so scared. While we all have to take our own journey hopefully, with Jennifer's book now available, new parents getting this diagnosis will feel a little more ready for the ride of their lives.
I purchased two copies of Road Map to Holland. One for myself and one to give. And this book, by the way, will speak to every mom and mom-to-be, not just those parenting kids with special needs. So if you would like your own copy of Jennifer's book then just leave your name in the comment section. I will be randomly selecting the recipient on Monday evening. Thanks for playing and have a great weekend. I am going to be reading.
The most recent request from my eldest. . .

Me: Uh, wha. . . you need what honey?
LR: Some vagisil, I need some vagisil cream.
Me: And what do you need that for?
LR: Because my arms are itchy.
Me: Okay, and you think vagisil will help you?
LR: Yes. That's what the commercial said. It helps with itching and burning and it smells good too. That's what I need for my arms.
Mr. Helpful

This kid, he gives it all he has! Isn't the third child supposed to be laid back?
But it doesn't take much to make his world right again. . .
Wil's Big Day, Part II

Okay, I'll wave goodbye but I am not happy about it.
Hey, this doesn't look like the hospital. Cool!
After we take care of some business in the office we make our way to Wil's class. He was so fascinated with all the children making their way in, excited to be back after spring break. There was a definite energy in the hallways and Wil seemed drawn to it. When we got to his class he nearly dove out of my arms as he scanned the brightly colored room. And then he was off. Exploring the resource room, the kitchen, the activity center and finally finding a ball wedged between a bookshelf and the wall. When I left him he was signing "ball" and "help." He was going to be just fine. And I left with only a slight knot in my throat.
They aren't seen in this photo but Wil has discovered the books. He loves to flip the pages and sign away! I have a feeling he will be spending his free time in this little room.