Awww, Shucks

Lately, I have been a magnet for bizarre, somewhat inappropriate, and most unwelcome comments from total strangers. This week alone I received two such comments.

First, early in the week while out with my three boys, minding my own business, trying to keep them from antagonizing each other and screaming too loudly in public, I noticed a woman watching us. All you moms that have kids with Down syndrome know what I'm talking about. I smiled at her, not yet sure if she was a friend or foe of Ds.

Turns out she wasn't looking at Bean. She was looking at me. And wondering about my age. "Are these your boys?" she asked. I told her yes, to which she replied, "They are so young. You must have started late, huh?"

Uhhh, yes, I guess I did. Thank you very much, perfect stranger, for pointing that out.

And then, this afternoon, walking through the parking lot of the grocery store, again, minding my own business, a man two steps behind me said, "whatchyou so stressed about?"

Looking around, wondering who he was talking to, I raised my eyebrows. Pardon?

He went on, "I said, whatchyou so stressed about. You sure got lotsa gray hair. How'd you get that? What's got you so stressed out?"

Seriously? Seriously? Did this man really just say that to me? I wanted to stop dead in my tracks and tell him what has given me each and every gray hair so I could enjoy his stunned silence and hopefully teach him to keep his thoughts to himself. But instead I chuckled and gave him some inane answer about it either being my boys or genetics.

What is it that makes people say such things to perfect strangers? If you know, please, fill me in.

On the flip side, I have received a very nice compliment recently. I received it right here in the blogosphere. From Cheryl of Ruby's Life.

She bestowed upon me an award. The "lovey award."

What is the lovey award? Here is the description I lifted from her site.

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find friends and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. (although it seems a little self-aggrandizing that I am even posting this, no?) Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships will be propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. "

I'm touched, Cheryl! Thanks so much.

I'm supposed to pass this along to others but. . . I am not going to do that. Chain letters always ended with me too.

I will, however, share with you some of the blogs I enjoy reading regularly. Check them out when you have time.

Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - I have been reading Ree's blog for at least two years now. When I found her she received around 3-400 comments a day. Now she receives thousands upon thousands. Check her out and you will see why.

C Jane and NieNie are sisters. They are mormon and speak about their faith often. That is not what I find fascinating. I enjoy C Jane's tongue in cheek writing style and her sister Nie, well, you need to read through her archives to learn her story. It is heartbreaking and hope filled all at the same time.

ivy mae - I know this gal from our years in Florida. She and her husband now live in Charleston, SC. I love reading about all her projects from the kitchen to the garden to sewing and knitting. She writes with wit and throws in great stories about her high school literature students. Oh and her husband, Mr. Mae, is the photographer. Great team.

The Meanest Mom - Great and hysterical take on parenting and mothering.

not that you asked - this is the only blogger on my list that has a child with Down syndrome. (though there are tons out there that I read and enjoy) I like reading Beth because she is thoughtful, honest, and humble. She almost always makes me think. Maybe I like her because some of the things she wrestles with regarding the world of disabiltiy and down syndrome I relate to, and it makes me feel not so alone.


Beth said...

Thank you! I really, really appreciate the nice things you said! Wish we could be IRL friends and hash it all out over coffee.

Brian and Rose said...

It is amazing what people will say without thinking about how it might impact the recipient!

Being pregnant has certainly brought on some terrible comments, like a comment from the hostess at Cracker Barrel with a big smile on her face.."Well, we're hungry aren't we?" I wanted to smack her right then and there.

Caroline Parker said...

Stacy, you know you have my sympathy....especially after my big belly pregnancy;)

My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce. I am sorta shocked but also laughing a little. What is it with people?

Michael's Loving Family said...

I was just having this conversation with my friends yesterday. We decided people just don't have any idea the impact of their words and in many cases, I don't think they care. God help us!

Monica Crumley said...

I'm shocked at the insensitivity of some people. I'm glad you could sort of laugh it off (the man's comment). As for the woman, that was very rude! I'm not a "young mom" but my kids keep me young :-) you have darling kids!

Cheri said...

I think I'm a magnet for bizarre comments too...but your 2 cracked me up! I recently had an elderly woman ask me in the grocery store if these were my boys...I said, "yes" and she then proceeded to point at my Reid and said in a shaky, grandmotherly voice," this one has your eyes, asian eyes" (Reid has DS)... I was taken back as to how to respond when she then just walked off mumbling to herself..."asian eyes...I like asian eyes".

BTW my eyes are as round and as green as a part Irish girl gets. :)

Cheri said...

I think I'm a magnet for bizarre comments too...but your 2 cracked me up! I recently had an elderly woman ask me in the grocery store if these were my boys...I said, "yes" and she then proceeded to point at my Reid and said in a shaky, grandmotherly voice," this one has your eyes, asian eyes" (Reid has DS)... I was taken back as to how to respond when she then just walked off mumbling to herself..."asian eyes...I like asian eyes".

BTW my eyes are as round and as green as a part Irish girl gets. :)

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