come again

after more than two hours of waiting and keeping a hungry Bean occupied we were sent home with no mri. the neurosurgeon couldn't be there for the 50 minute scan and the radiologists said they cannot do the flexion/extension views without neurology present because of the nature of the instability and risk to his spinal cord in those positions.

so, we are waiting to be rescheduled. a mere inconvienence, glad they are putting our Bean's safety first. we'll let you know when we are going to try again.


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Ugh that's frustrating! I hope you can get it rescheduled and done quickly!

Monica Crumley said...

How did you know Bean had this condition in the first place? I've read about it, but our pediatrician has never even looked at John Michael's neck!

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