Pictures of Fall

Open windows and cool breezes
My first batch of Corn Chowder
Bright red Maple's
Blooming Mum's
Pumpkins and Winter Squash
Boys in long sleeves
Tomorrow we flip the calender to October. And October, in addition to being the month of Luke's birthday which he reminds us of daily, and Halloween, which he also reminds us of daily, is Down syndrome Awareness Month. Tomorrow I will tell you more about Get it Down: 31 for 21, a blogging challenge that many parents in the Down syndrome community will be accepting.
Kennedy-Brownback disability diagnosis bill

Pieces of Asheville

We decided to go up Saturday night after T's birthday dinner so that we had a full day Sunday to fit in some of our favorite things. We arrived a little late but since we didn't have to wake up with the roosters - I mean the kids - we hit the town.
After a good nights sleep, waking up when our bodies were naturally ready rather than being jolted awake by our children, we mozy'ed (is that a word?) downtown. We walked and walked, popping in and out of shops, discovering new places, and wondering who really pays $75 for an "organic" onesie for a 3 month old. Certainly not the hippies over at Mellow Mushroom.
Next we drove over the Black Mountain to our favorite pizza joint and had some lunch.
Mmmmmm. That is some good stuff there!
Next stop, my favorite antique shop. I have found some great stuff here. This trip was no exception - found lots of great stuff, just couldn't bring any of it home.
Last stop was The Grove Park Inn. This has become something of a tradition for us. We drive up around sunset, buy an over priced beer or coffee from the bar and sit on their terrace, enjoying the view while watching the sun slip behind the mountain ranges ahead. This picture simply does not do justice to the view at all. My camera, combined with the lighting, just couldn't pick up the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. We have never stayed over night at the Grove Park Inn. It is just a tad out of our price range. The people who stay here? These are the folks who buy the $75 organic onesies we saw in the boutique window.
And this is what we love about Asheville. There is literally something for everyone and we have found a way to enjoy pieces of it all. Maybe one day we will be able to enjoy more than pieces at a time. But for now? We are thankful for the day trips! And for Grandma's and Nonnie's who make them possible.
Boys and toys

Timothy received some age appropriate toys for his Birthday last weekend.

Down syndrome. . . where we are now

October is Down syndrome awareness month and, like last year, I am going to attempt to blog each day of the month. Some days will be about Wil and Down syndrome and others will not. On October 1 I will link you to others who are also taking this challenge in case you want to read from other parents to children with Ds. It is our way of getting the word out and letting others know what life is really like with Down syndrome. You might be surprised.
My baby is two!

Oh come on, your two's aren't going to be that bad are they?

The above PSA was developed by ARC of Virginia and will be included in every Tropic Thunder DVD as it hits the stores. (What a beautiful way to educate others about the hurtful language found in the film) It will also be playing in Wal Mart stores all over the country throughout the month of October, Down syndrome awareness month.
Sarah Palin Baby Names

Go here to find out.
Here are our Sarah Palin Baby Names:
Me: Strike Chipper Palin
James: Crank Widow Palin
Luke: Beans Harpoon Palin
Wil: Jeep Pike Palin
Timothy: Spoon Archer Palin
We're thinking of keeping them. :)
greg willson


We are good, despite being unemployed - which is so stinkin' crazy! James and I have both worked since we were teenagers and never imagined we would be in this position. At such a time as this. . . with the economy tanking, gas prices through the roof, and the housing market in terrible shape. But here we are. Unemployed. With nothing on the horizon. And you know what? We are grateful for it. We are excited to see where the Lord will lead us. Never a dull moment around here!!
A life of crime?

Friday he came barreling in from school, out of breath from running the last block, to show me the rock he found. He pulled it out of his pocket with great delight and a twinkle in his eye and held it proudly in the palm of his hand.
"Look what I found!"
"Wow, Luke, look at that. Where did you find it?
"I just found it." He was being extra silly and fidgety which was my first clue that something was up.
"I understand you found it - I'm just wondering where? I have never seen a rock like that around here." You see, the rock appeared to have nuggets of gold sprinkled throughout - it was dazzling and shimmery.
"Mom, I don't know, I just did." As he spun around and tried to change the subject.
"Okay, Luke, I am having a hard time believing that you found this rock around here. You need to tell me the truth."
Turning to James, who walked him home from school, "Dad, remember when I was walking behind you? That's when I found it."
"Where Luke? On the sidewalk?"
"Moooommm, I just found it." Then the lips start to quiver as the head drops. His spidey senses have kicked in and he knows I am onto him.
"Luke, I am going to give you one more opportunity to tell me the truth."
"Will I get in trouble?" And there it is. We have moved on to negotiating his punishment before he has even confessed.
James and I, at once, reaching the end of our patience, ask in unison "Where. Did. You. Get. The rock!"
"I accidentally took it from the science lab. I just put it in my pocket and forgot it was there."
Let me stop at this point to let everyone know that my father, Luke's Papa, is the Head Honcho of Safety and Security for our school district. And everyone at Luke's school knows that Luke is Capt. McGee's grandson. Nice.
So after a bit more discussion Luke is told that he cannot go to the pool that afternoon. The wailing and screaming commence and he is sent to his room where we hear him just as clearly as if he were standing in front of us. Then, he abruptly stops, opens the door, and with a clear voice says, "did you call me, mom?" No, Luke. And the wailing continues. I'd bet a gold rock there were no tears.
Later, Luke tells us that he had big plans for that rock. He was going to chip away at it until he got to the center because he was certain there was something really great inside. I suppose we could applaud the "life skill" (see yesterday's post) of curiosity but petty thievery and lying (creative as it might get) trump an inquisitive mind.
I think Luke's days of crime are over, however. He just doesn't have the stomach for it. He wrote a note of apology on Saturday and anguished all weekend over facing his teacher.
James walked him into his classroom this morning to make sure the rock was returned and to support Luke as he confessed. Luke first approached the assistant teacher and offered his confession, "I stole this rock and want to return it. I'm sorry." To which she responded, "Oh honey, you didn't steal it you just borrowed it." WHAT?! Really? Did she just say that? James bent down to quietly correct this and encouraged Luke to go speak with his lead teacher. Poor kid, had to repeat those painful words. His teacher acknowledged it was wrong then thanked him for returning the rock and told him that by doing so he was practicing the life skill of responsibility.
And that was that. I have to say, it was a totally cool rock.
Kindergarten at home

1. Active Listening
I know. You thought this was the universal sign for "Loooserrr," made popular by Jim Carey's Ace Ventura. Not to kids at Lake Carolina Elementary. In Luke's class, when the teacher needs to regain some control and get every one's attention she makes the "L" above her head and everyone follows suit as they catch on. The big "L" means it is time to stop socializing and listen to the teacher. In other words, the big "L" means SHUT UP!
Luke has requested that when I need him to stop talking I use the active listening sign. "Like when you are on the phone," he said, "and you don't want me to interrupt you can give me the active listening sign." Okay, I like that. I guess what Luke is telling me is that he prefers this to my usual "Luke, Luke, Luke (it normally takes at least three name calls to get his attention) you NEED TO STOP TALKING NOW."
2. "Must do," "May do," and "May not do."
In Luke's class these three phrases guide and direct them in work and play. This was hard for Luke the first few days of school. But now? He is bringing it home and implementing it here.
When asked to do something it is not unusual to hear him ask, "Is that a 'must do' or a 'may do'?"
When told not to do something I am finding I must tell him it is a "may not do," otherwise he views my command as a suggestion.
3. Reading
This isn't new for us, we do lots of reading. Or we thought we did. The reading requirements for kindergarten, however, surpass what we had been doing. So we have ramped it up and Luke is doing much more reading on his own. When Wil and Timothy are around it is a little more challenging.
What with Wil pushing the book closed or pointing to the pictures making the appropriate sound. Or Timothy trying to turn the pages before we are ready or both boys deciding to stick their fingers in Luke's ear while he is trying to sound out the word "favorite." I figure in addition to reading he is learning some multi-tasking skills.
4. Life Skills
Luke's school is all about the "life skill's." So in addition to their traditional school work they have an ongoing conversation about things like compassion, courage, common sense, kindness, responsibility, integrity, honesty, etc. I like this. It is good for him to hear these things from folks other than mom and dad. On Wednesday's his "Life Skills" folder is sent home for us to write down a few of the life skills we have observed in Luke. The folder goes back the next day and the teacher reads the accolades to the class. They all love hearing their parents praises as their peers listen on.
Luke, being the boy that he is, struggles with some of his life skills. Except on Wednesday afternoon. On Wednesday he comes home from school and offers to take out the trash, get his clothes out for school the next day saying, "I think it would be good for me to be responsible for getting my school clothes ready, don't you mom?" He is extra patient with his brothers - and always points out his patience. All in all he is really agreeable, for he knows I will be pulling his folder out to write down his life skills. Too bad cleverness is not on the list.
So kindergarten? We are all loving it. I pray this enthusiasm for school will be long lasting!
Conversations with Luke, #57

Me: You may have some carrots.
Luke: Carroooots??
Me: Yep
Luke: How many?
Me: Just grab a handful, Luke.
Luke: Dad said I have to eat as many as my age.
Me: Sounds good, five carrots.
Luke: Does that mean when I am 40 I will have to eat 40 carrots?
And then later, coming out of the bathroom. . .
Luke: Mom, is my head on my body?
Me: It appears to be there, Luke, screwed on pretty tight.
Luke: huh, I didn't see my reflection when I looked in the mirror. I thought it might have fallen off.
Me: Wha...? Nevermind.
The Pioneer Woman

Like today. She talks of Mike's lifelong love of firefighters and their station. Check it out. And check out the rest of her site too, she has expanded it a great deal over the last year to include cooking, photography and home and garden. But I warn you - you might loose a few hours reading through her hilarious posts.

I'm back

So, just wanted to say "hi" and let you know that I'll be back on this week to share a few pics, tell you the story of how my two youngest spawn absolutely destroyed one room in thirty seconds flat, share with you some of the things I am learning in kindergarten, and maybe say a couple things about Sarah Palin's presence in this most heated presidential race.
But for now, I have laundry up to my eyeballs and children without clean shorts!
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- Pictures of Fall
- Kennedy-Brownback disability diagnosis bill
- Pieces of Asheville
- Boys and toys
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- Down syndrome. . . where we are now
- My baby is two!
- Respect
- Sarah Palin Baby Names
- greg willson
- Escaped
- A life of crime?
- Kindergarten at home
- Conversations with Luke, #57
- The Pioneer Woman
- Packages
- I'm back
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