Down syndrome. . . where we are now

Those of us that have children with Down syndrome know what a gift they are. We know they teach us far more than we teach them. A new article in The New Atlantis reminds us that people with Down syndrome are doing better than ever through advanced medical services, early intervention, and loving homes. It also reminds us that because of some of those advanced medical services fewer children diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome ever have a chance to show the world who they are, with approximately 90% being aborted after prenatal diagnosis.

October is Down syndrome awareness month and, like last year, I am going to attempt to blog each day of the month. Some days will be about Wil and Down syndrome and others will not. On October 1 I will link you to others who are also taking this challenge in case you want to read from other parents to children with Ds. It is our way of getting the word out and letting others know what life is really like with Down syndrome. You might be surprised.


Michael's Loving Family said...

I found your blog today through Google alerts. Thank you for sharing your family lives with the world. It is so important the people see our children just as they see another child. I pray this is only the beginning of an awesome revivial! I'm with you on this. October 1st is just around the corner.

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