feeling old

Luke: Mom? What year was I born?

Me: 2002

Luke: Oh. What year were you born?

Me: 1969

Luke: Wwwhat?!!? You were born in the

Nine.teen. Hundreds!?


My name is Sarah said...

Funny. My mom says tell him that's when the dinosaurs roamed earth. That's what my brothers tell her. She was born in 1960.

Anonymous said...

Shut up! Both you and the commenter Sarah, shut the you-know-what up. I was born in 1952. At that point, the dinosaurs hadn't yet evolved.

Michael's Loving Family said...

hahaha! All the comments are funny. To think you were born in a different century. I never thought about it until I read this post. Thanks for making us all feel old!

Stacy said...

Sarah - He asked me if there were cars around when I was born and I told him no, we rode dinosaurs. :)

Joel - yeah, you really are an old fart. Thanks for stopping by.

Terry - Yes, definitely a new way to put it. I remember saying that of my great-grandmother, when I was a kid, who was born in the late 1800's. But she WAS old!

El Dee said...

Some day he will appreciate what good fun an old-fashioned dinosaur ride was.

Man, that had me rolling! I remember asking my mom if she had TV when she was little. I think the "cars" question beats that though. *rofl*

Anonymous said...

stacy, this post has left me laughing. thank you to luke for that. he always has the best gems.

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