A Gem of a Husband!

But my dear, sweet, thoughtful husband who is so deliberate about caring for me decided what I really needed was time to myself. (I love that he understands my introversion and doesn't think I am a freak.) And moreover, he sent me to a place I have long dreamed of staying. The Grove Park Inn Resort and Spa in Asheville, NC. James and I have made it a habit of dropping by the Grove Park Inn every time we are in this area. We hang out in their Grand Hall, have a drink and watch the sunset over the mountains while rocking on their fabulous back terrace.
Then we head out to more affordable accommodations.
So, James, in all his kindness, decided I needed a break from this. . .
and needed to enjoy a little bit of this. . .
As if staying at this amazing mountainside resort (ALONE) weren't enough, James scheduled spa treatments for me in their nationally ranked spa. It was divine! Their spa experience is unlike anything I have ever taken part in. From start to finish I was pampered and the amenities available pre and post treatment were just as relaxing as the treatments themselves.
In addition to spa treatments, sunsets, and good old fashioned solitude, I enjoyed wandering in and out of some of my favorite antique shops and adding some new spots to my list. I also got to visit with some old friends that live in the area. What a treat!
And now, I sit here, in an Asheville coffee shop, waiting for 5 o'clock to roll around. That's when I will head to Windy Gap and meet up with my four guys. We have all been invited to attend the Young Life camp this weekend and stay in one of their family cabins as a guest of the camp director. This will be such fun for the boys.
Time away is good. It is necessary. It refreshes and renews. It offers perspective. And at the same time it always makes me long to be home, with my family. I'm so grateful to have a husband who understands all that. I cannot wait to step back into the chaos with them this afternoon!!
Progress Report

You're welcome.
Those of you that have kids with special needs might understand what I am about to say. While soaking Wil in the tub, stripping his bed, loading laundry, wiping down his crib and walls, I was quietly smiling. We didn't simply have a stinky mess on our hands. We had a new skill. Wil is undressing himself! This means that his fine and gross motor skills are improving. His coordination is improving. His balance is improving. This means that he is on his way to becoming a little more independent.
Up to this point we have been changing his clothes, without his assistance. Partly because we seem to always be in hurry for fear that one of the other two will destroy something while we are with Wil and partly because it's just become habit, it's easier. But after the nap incident and learning that he has been working on this skill at school we realized that we should be giving Wil this responsibility at home. Every time we change clothes. Tonight, while getting Wil ready for bed, James asked him to take his shirt off. And he promptly did so. We cheered and hollered and he looked at us like we were crazy.
Wil's progress is obvious. Mine is that I am willing to give a little extra time, and risk a mess, in order to allow Wil to do more for himself. I am paying attention to the small things, like undressing or using a spoon or giving him more time at the table, and delighting in those moments rather than feeling stressed by them. Well, I am me. The stress is still there, but I am trying! Maybe by the time they are all grown I will have lightened up a little. Maybe.
And on the medical front. . . after months of sickness and three rounds of antibiotics we are off to the ENT. Chances are good that Wil is going to need his adenoids removed. If that will clear him up then I am all for it! That will be a cake walk compared to heart surgery!!
Snow Day

But we haven't had any precipitation. So this was our big moment. The temperatures were right and precipitation was headed our way. The school districts around town were not taking any chances. What with Columbia's lack of equipment for snow plowing, combined with the fact that we are notoriously bad drivers. It's true. Not to mention that with Tuesday being Inauguration Day most classes would be sitting in front of the television anyway.
The cancellations were not in vain. We got our snow. The meteorologists were giddy. The kids got to experience some of the powdery stuff. And we all got to watch the Inauguration while enjoying the beauty of the snow drifting across our windows.
I love Jesus, but

A friend posted this on Facebook and I just want to do my part in making sure everyone sees this clip. Hysterical, worth the 7 minutes!
On a cold winters day

Where is that woman? I wonder if I can get all these down before she comes back to the kitchen?
Luke is the master of the sunny, cheerful picture. I have a collection of them waiting for frames.
Working on puzzles and reading books can only be experienced in small doses with these two who seem to need a high degree of gross motor activity. So we weave the above between the activity below,
because pulling off cushions and removing clothes remain Wil and Timothy's most favorite activity of all.
And me? I'm doing a lot of this.
random thoughts from Luke

"I think Miss. Sherah (a college student attending our church) is named Sherah because she is good at sharing."
"Dormant is my favorite word because it feels good on my tongue. And in my mouth. Dormant, dormant, dormant, dormant. Try it. Don't you think so?"
after I put butter in the wrong batter mix while baking together. . . "Seeing you do that reminds me that adults can make really big mistakes too."
"It will only take a momentary signal to finish this." "Timothy needs a momentary signal before his bath." "Wil, would you like a momentary signal before we go outside?" "I'm coming in one momentary signal." Luke, what is a 'momentary signal' and where did you learn that phrase? "I made it up. It's a good one I can use to say a lot of things."
"Sometimes I feel like someone is watching me. I don't know where they are though."
"I just cannot help all this burping that is going on. God must really want me to be a good burper."
"I don't like the quiet game."

Paying Attention

2009, what?

We played. We toppled. We laughed on our Rody's.
We went to the Zoo and took a spin on the Carousel.
I hope you, too, enjoyed Christmas, your family, and your friends!
Happy New Year!