I love Jesus, but

A friend posted this on Facebook and I just want to do my part in making sure everyone sees this clip. Hysterical, worth the 7 minutes!


Anonymous said...

My aunt from Gainesville, Patricia Carter, sent me a link to your blog. I've enjoyed reading through it; you have a great family. Our 3rd son, who has down syndrome, named Will, will be born in a couple weeks. He also has two very animated big brothers (3.5 and almost 2.) I can empathize with "Blessed Chaos."
God bless you,
Robert McFadden, Petal, MS

Stacy said...

Thanks for stopping in Robert. Congratulations on Will! I pray he is healthy and strong. Sounds like your home will be filled with activity, much like ours. Never a dull moment!
Blessings to you and your family.

Cheryl said...

I enjoyed that clip so much! So funny!

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