not gonna happen

I just can't pull it off today.

I am sitting in a quaint little coffee shop downtown with only 30 minutes to spare before I meet some friends for dinner and a drink. I somehow managed to eat up every minute of today with piddly stuff like laundry, dishes, dishes, and more dishes after a dinner party last night, putting together gift bags for Luke's birthday party Saturday, picking out miniature pumpkins for same party, and holding Wil during his post nap funk.

So, no post today. Or does this count?

But I will leave you with this. . . on the way to have breakfast at a friend's house on Sunday morning Luke asked if our friends had kids.

"no, they don't" I replied

"oh, they must be really bored then," said Luke


Michael's Loving Family said...

lol! I love the way children see the world. It's so darn cute! Thanks for sharing that.

On another note, how did you get this type of post a comment box that remembers me? I'd love to add that to my blog.

El Dee said...

*lol* Ahh, children's perceptions. "No, Luke. They are rested." ;-)

I've been redesigning my site and I feel like yours needs a new look. If you are ready, let me know, and if you have any ideas in mind. :)

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